It’s poetry night again! The last one was in December, which was… three days ago in comic time. Huh. I guess that’s why I’m calling it a filler and not part of the actual story.
It’s poetry night again! The last one was in December, which was… three days ago in comic time. Huh. I guess that’s why I’m calling it a filler and not part of the actual story.
Me: “What sound does a laser make?” Technology Expert: “Depends… is it a sizzling laser or a pew-pew laser?” Me: “Sizzling.” T.E.: “Brzzzz.” Me: “B-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z?” T.E.: “No, B-R-Z-Z-Z-Z.” Me: “Got it.” It’s good to have an expert at hand! 😁